Homage to Artaud and to the Beat Generation

An Homage to Artaud, Ginsberg, and Burroughs, and to all those who have very often been passed over in the history of the Beat Generation. An Homage to the Poets and Dreamers, to the Passeurs and Chercheurs, to the Lovers and the Madmen, to the Voyants and the Visionaries. An Homage to Carl Solomon and Gerd Stern, Anaïs Nin and André Breton, Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Maurice Girondias, Philip Lamantia and Brion Gysin, Leroi Jones and Bob Kaufman, Jean-Jacques Lebel and Claude Pélieu, to Ed Sanders and Patti Smith, and all the crazy people who dreamed (during) this time.

A trip through space and time, in search of Artaud’s spirit, in asylums and bars, deserts and cemeteries, from Big Sur to the Sierra Tarahumara, from the Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier in Paris to the Six Gallery in San Francisco, and from Paris’s Beat Hotel to New York’s Electric Lady Studio, where Patti Smith will record The Peyote Dance in 2019.

Cries of revolt against the Moloch and the Anti-Dream Brigade, five minutes before any artificial intelligence will decide to write the book it thinks you want or have to read.

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